2. Handling and installation of LSZH cables
Minimum bending radius
None of the cables specified in the standards should be bent during installation to a radius
smaller than that given below. So wherever possible, larger installation radii should be used.
Type of cable Unarmored Armored
Number of cores Single core Multicore
300/500V and
600/1000V cable 8D 6D 10D
where D: diameter of cable
Side wall pressure to cable
Permissible maximum side wall pressure to the cable at bending point during installation is 500kgf/m.
Side wall Pulling tension (kgf)
pressure = _______________
to cable Bending radius (m)
Permissible maximum pulling tension (T)
Conductor (Tension kgf)
Copper 7 x (No. of cores) x (cross-sectional area of conductor)
Drum handling
Handle the drums with care! It is always recommended and a
must with heavy drums - to lift drumswith a fork-lift truck or a
crane when removing them from the vehicle. Always take care
to lower the drums into an upright position on their flanges.
